viernes, 5 de octubre de 2007


I was in a concert by "Disidente", they play wery well, so once of my favorite bands is pearl jam, eddy vedder is a very good singer and stone gossard, well, all of them play very well and disidente is like mexican grunch, with their guitars that it become a sounds very especials, someday, I wish to play in a band like those, just I waiting for my guitar that is going to go to me in december. Watch the pictures.

miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2007

Installation of windows vista

Everybody that bought windows vista, didn't like it. jejejje. It's curios, it suposed that windows vista was a really great operatin system, but I don't think so.

sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2007

Palomazo en Universidad de Zamora

Una foto editada en photoshop de un palomazo que se hizo en la Universidad de Zamora. It was pretty nice.

viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2007

I'm going to writing something in English, so, if there are anyone that read it, sorry but I don't speak English and write English very well, I'm going to do all my efort.

Tomorrow are going to be "DISIDENTE" in soft louge cafe's in Zamora, Mich, in my opinion it's a pretty nice rock band. It's kind of pretty nice mexican grung, I really love that kind of music, for example pearl jam I really enjoy it.

I hope to remeber to take my camera and upload some pictures.